Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Last Wikipedia Edit for Fuze Beverages

The third and final edit to the Fuze Beverage article which was redirected to this link consisted of me deleting the whole article. Now you may be thinking why would she do that? I have a good reason, do not worry. First of all, like I mentioned above, someone redirected Fuze Beverage's Wikipedia article and made the old one into an article about electrical fuses. In order to do this you must give a reason and apparently it was because the current Fuze Beverage article was horrible. Second of all, Wikipedia said that the article looked like an advertisement. I am not sure how just listing the flavors is advertising, but to them it is. I must say though that they were already there before I started editing, I just added one flavor. The other thing I added was some history and I do not think that was advertising either. Third of all, I think that maybe because the article was so small and underdeveloped that another article was allowed to take over the site. So, I will wait a couple days to do my final wrap up of the Fuze Beverage Wikipedia article so I can see if anyone cares about it enough to put the information back or to improve on the article. We will see...

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