Sunday, February 25, 2007

1st Wikipedia Edit for MGIC

I just made my first Wikipedia article edit. I chose to edit the MGIC article which is the mortgage insurance company my dad works for. They recently acquired Radian, another mortgage insurance company, so I was going to add that in but someone beat me to it. I looked for something else to add and I found that mortgage insurance premiums are now tax deductable which is very important news for MGIC. So I added these sentences: "MGIC has announced that mortgage insurance premiums are now tax deductible as a result of a bill that President Bush signed in 2007. To qualify for this 100% deduction, the household must have an adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less and the purchase and refinance loans must be closed on or after January 1, 2007." You can find the whole article for MGIC here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Purpose of my blog

I am currently a Junior at the University of Delaware. I am a Marketing major and I am taking a class called Information Technology Applications in Marketing, also known as BUAD477. For this class we are each required to make a blog. Throughout the semester we have to develop our blog with a few different things. For example, we have a team of about four classmates in which we post comments and react to their blog articles in our own blogs. We also have to record edits we make in four Wikipedia articles and follow up on how others respond to our edits. A few times we read articles and react to them in our blogs. Many of us are not at all familiar with blogs so this project should help us understand how to use blogs, the purpose of them, they power they can bring, and the overall impact they can possibly have on the Marketing world. If you wish you can check out the main class blog for my BUAD477 class.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So I just came back from my night class and it definitely should have been canceled! The roads are a mess, but luckily we made it there and back safely. I just got off the phone with my sister and she told me about this really cool website about shopping! If you like to shop this website is perfect for you and you can find tons of stuff on it! If you're bored take a look...enjoy!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ok let's hope I didn't do this wrong...