Monday, May 7, 2007

Amazon's Associate Program

I finally became a member of Amazon's Associate Program. I started to do it before class today, but I got nervous at the billing part where it made me give my social security number. I got to class and talked to some people about it and we decided that since it was Amazon it is a pretty secure company and website and they probably would not use that number for anything else. It explained it needed to know it for tax purposes which is understandable. Other than that it was quick and easy to do. I chose the two books from our class, The Search and Naked Conversations. I also added The Devil Wears Prada because I love that movie and I always wanted to read the book to see the comparisons, but I never got around to it. The other thing I added was a collection of the Shopaholic books. My roommate reads them and I have heard of many other girls who have read them so I thought I would add that too. All in all, it was way more intimidating than it actually was. It is a great way to earn some extra change which I doubt I will ever get, but at least I know how to do it!


Jerskine said...

Im glad you went ahead and signed up for the amazon associates. I remember in class you said you were afraid to do it because of the billing information. As you can see, it was very easy to do. I am glad you added the shopaholic books to your blog. I am a big fan of them. I am also a huge fan of The Devil Wears Prada. I read the book and loved it, then saw the movie and loved it too.

Kathleen Albright said...

Haha yeah I got over my fear and I signed up with no problems. I am glad that you like the shopaholic books. I personally have not read them, but I heard they were good. Also, I am glad that the book of The Devil Wears Prada is as good as the movie is. I will definitely have to check that one out!