Sunday, February 25, 2007

1st Wikipedia Edit for MGIC

I just made my first Wikipedia article edit. I chose to edit the MGIC article which is the mortgage insurance company my dad works for. They recently acquired Radian, another mortgage insurance company, so I was going to add that in but someone beat me to it. I looked for something else to add and I found that mortgage insurance premiums are now tax deductable which is very important news for MGIC. So I added these sentences: "MGIC has announced that mortgage insurance premiums are now tax deductible as a result of a bill that President Bush signed in 2007. To qualify for this 100% deduction, the household must have an adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less and the purchase and refinance loans must be closed on or after January 1, 2007." You can find the whole article for MGIC here.

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