Wednesday, May 2, 2007

2nd Comment on Teammate's blog

I was looking through my teammates' blogs and I came across Andrea's blog and her posting from a ClickZ article titled "Trust is at the Core of the New Web Marketing". The article discusses how Web marketing is changing as consumers or searchers have become smarter. It talks about trust because now, in order for a business to have a successful website searchers have to be able to find it easy, fast, and first. Also the trust is important because once the searchers find the site they have to also like it. The most important thing is for the company to gain enough trust from the searchers for them to spread their admiration of the site and continue to frequent it themselves. Unlike websites before, they used to just rely on people somehow stumbling upon their site. This is not the case anymore.

As we talked about in class today and as Andrea mentioned in her post there are new sites that have helped change the way Web marketing is carried out. The one site we focused on was This site revolutionizes Web marketing. The site takes articles from other websites and displays them on their web page in order of popularity. If it is not popular than you can "bury it" and make it go down the list. If you like it you can "digg it" and keep it at the top or move it up. This has everything to do with the searchers and not the people who own the websites. That shows that if searchers trust the website they will "digg it" and searchers will visit those sites more than any other sites.

This seems like a great idea because this way it makes it easier for searchers to avoid irrelevant websites or ones that are not truthful or credited. As Andrea mentioned this also shows how search has changed. With Google Juice, rankings in the Google search list make all the difference. I do not think anyone goes beyond the first or second page of search results. So, it is very important to gain more Google Juice in order to have your website come up at the top of the list. One way as Andrea mentions is to utilize Google's sponsored links. Websites can pay Google to have their websites sponsored and they will appear at the very top of the search list. I do not know why but for some reason I never click on those links. I even asked my roommate and she said she did not even realize those sponsored links are there. It may be because they appear smaller and are just highlighted in a very pale color. It also may be that they kind of appear to just be ads or popups that we have just been accustomed to ignore. I am sure that many people do click on those first, but for people who are not so technically advanced I do not think they realize what sponsored links actually mean. Also now that I know what they exactly are I probably still will not click on them first because I kind of do not think it is fair that those companies in a way pay off Google to have their site be the best. This is how traditional marketing has worked because for companies with the most money they can utilize the best and most advertising which puts their product at the top.

So, all in all, there are some major changes in marketing as technology advances. The marketers and advertisers must be aware of these changes and be able to change their marketing strategy to incorporate those chances. Also, that is great that Andrea was able to find the news that JPMorgan was opening a branch in Boston through her Bloglines. Just one more proof on how technology continues to change the way people are doing things and getting news!

and Andrea I match your stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela and raise you 6 more stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela haha


Andrea said...

haha is this a stiuqxela war?? its on! also, you better post something that i can comment on soonnnnn!!!

Kathleen Albright said...

haha you know it and don't worry I have tons of posts that I will be doing this week just be patient gosh! haha